Creating an aura and providing an atmosphere wherein all employees and associates are benefited, establishing short-term and long-term goals with high commitment, and taking the organization from one horizon to the next level.

Mr. Rajesh Mehta
Mr. Rajesh Mehta, well versed, 42 years of hardcore experience in pharmaceutical industry with maximum exposure in multinationals and in the most reputed Indian pharma companies out of which, 20 years of exclusive exposure in the international market. Mr. Rajesh Mehta is a visionary person who strongly believes in development of associates and team members to make them fit for future journey and responsibilities.
He believes in delegation mode of operations and his trust encourages and empowers the employees to give their best and creates an atmosphere which has professional cum familiar approach among the associated members. He also believes in giving the best to the society through his noble approach and hence his leadership benefits to all associated with him
Better Health Care is Our Mission
We believe in Spreading Happiness by empowering one’s health and wealth
+91- 8527419796